NaNoWriMo (and queries)

November is here~ and it’s the most wonderful time of the year.

Well, perhaps not the MOST wonderful but certainly an enjoyable time. Having finished up the last round of self-edits on my novel, I decided to do NaNoWriMo this year and I’m really excited about my story. It’s a nice break from fantasy as I dive into a paranormal gothic period piece. It’s a story I’ve been thinking of writing for a good five months but had to sideline since I was focused solely on my fantasy series (and getting it ready to submit).

I’ve never really written a ghost story before–or anything with a gothic background–and so far it’s been an interesting experience. I love writing a multitude of genres but I’ve been so deep into fantasy the past few years that I’ve really forgotten what it’s like to write something else for a change. It’s been fun to explore more of the writing world though and it’s definitely something I recommend. Try not to get set into one genre–try to explore them all! Or at least a reasonable amount of them (okay at the least try more than one). I really hope to finish it by the end of the month but we’ll see. So far I’ve been strangely busy (normally I’m not this busy). I think it’s just the after con hangover. Oh. I haven’t mentioned that yet but I plan to write a blog post on it (and if you follow my instagram you probably already know). I staffed/enjoyed an anime convention over Halloween weekend and it was such a great experience. I love conventions, but more on that at a later time.

Ah! I should probably also update you guys a little on book and writing stuff (since, you know, this blog was originally for book updates haha). So two things. The first is that I had a piece of flash fiction published in Splickety Publishing group’s magazine Havok (their Halloween edition). If you have time you should go read it! There’s a lot of other great authors featured in it as well and it’s a really fun issue.  The second this is that since editing is finished, I’ve looked into and compiled a list of agents to query for my book. All I need to do is finish writing all the queries and cross my fingers. It’ll probably take some time but I’m hopeful–you always have to be hopeful.

So that’s about it for now. This was a very short update! Is anyone else doing NaNoWriMo? I’d love to hear about it if so!

Don’t forget to seek out adventure!



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