It’s a Holly Jolly Season

It’s that wonderful time of year! Christmas season is well underway and the streets are lit up with fairy lights. As much as I love fall weather, snow and cold is also lovely. There’s something about icicles on bare tree branches that is just absolutely beautiful. It really gets me wanting to write something in an attempt to capture the magic of the season.

Of course as much as I want to write, I also want to go out and enjoy the weather. There’s so many wonderful and festive things about December. Be it holiday shopping, mulled wine, roasted chestnuts, Christmas Bizarre’s, the festival of lights, ice skating (which I’m fairly bad at), hot chocolate, or just hanging around with friends and family–there’s just so much to do! I recently decorated my Christmas tree (and pretty much the entire first floor) while listening to Christmas music and it was just so divine. One of my favorite parts of decorating is being able to go around and look at all the ornaments we’ve had. Almost every single decoration has a history behind it–a story of whytree and when it was purchased or made. Some represent family trips, others friends, some are from childhood, others derive all the way back to my mum decorating her mother’s tree. Putting all the decorations up is like re-reading a good book-happy to turn each page and relive the moments once again.

In particular, I’ve noticed just how many angel ornaments we have. I wonder if that’s why I took to angels in my book series? I wouldn’t put it past myself. We also have an angel atop our tree instead of a star. Funny thing is that angel is as old as me. Apparently the year I was born, my parents didn’t have anything to put on top of the tree and my two-year-old brother asked our mother why there wasn’t an angel at the top. I think she was a little perplexed as to why he specifically asked about an angel and not a star like most Christmas trees. Either way, she decided to trek out all the way to Michael’s and found pretty much the only angel they had left. Then she had to call our father to pick her up from the store for some reason and when he asked why she was all the way out there she recounted the story. So that’s why we have an angel sitting atop our tree. She isn’t a fancy angel–her wreath is falling from her hands, and she almost never sits properly at the top of the tree, but somehow this year she did. Maybe that’s a good sign. I’m sure we could all use some luck or guidance.

I also have a TON of holiday shopping to do before Christmas (as well as other events). So much that I’ve actually considered using my Youtube channel at last and doing a 12 days of Vlogmas up until Christmas. It’s a good excuse to kick my butt into actually posting content on my Youtube. What do you guys think? Anyone interested in 12 days of Vlogmas? Let me know! A link to my channel can be found in the social media pins.

I hope everyone has a great holiday season! Make sure to spend time with your family and friends. Be nice to each other and enjoy the holidays!

Don’t forget to seek out adventure!




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